EV Box Business Line Pole Concrete Plate - Quality Solar PV Products Competitively Priced

EV Box Business Line Pole Concrete Plate



1 in stock



EV Box Business Line Pole Concrete Plate

When choosing a charging station, the first question is: Do you want a wall model or a station on a charging pole? Naturally, this depends on your situation. The HomeLine can be obtained as a wall model or for use with an RVS pole. It is not possible to mount the HomeLine on a bracket. The BusinessLine can be set to a wall, pole, or mounted with a wall bracket. In addition, you have the option to mount a double BusinessLine onto a pole as well.

This product is an EV-Box Business Line Pole for Concrete.

EV-Box is the global market leader in Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructures and related cloud-based services, with an installed base of over 38,000 charging points worldwide. We serve individuals, businesses, facilities and major public charging networks. Charge with EV-Box and join our journey towards a sustainable future.

Additional information

Weight 16.5 kg
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