SolarEdge ZigBee Slave (Router) Module Kit - EU & APAC - Quality Solar PV Products Competitively Priced

SolarEdge ZigBee Slave (Router) Module Kit – EU & APAC



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SolarEdge ZigBee Slave (Router) Module Kit – EU & APAC

The SolarEdge Zigbee Slave Kit is used for connecting multiple SolarEdge inverters to the same home gateway. Add a Zigbee Slave Kit for each additional SolarEdge slave inverter connected in a wireless configuration. The Zigbee Slave Kit can be used to replace RS485 or Ethernet connection between multiple inverters and is especially useful in installations where the inverters are located far apart.


  • Dimensions (LxWxH): 12 × 10 × 2 inches
  • Interconnects inverters wirelessly
  • Replaces either RS485 or Ethernet wiring for monitoring multiple inverters
  • Installed within the inverter enclosure for outdoor resilience
  • MPN: SE1000-ZB02-SLV-NA

Additional information

Weight 0.33 kg
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