SMA RS485 Interface Core1 - Quality Solar PV Products Competitively Priced

SMA RS485 Interface Core1




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SMA RS485 Interface Core1

The advantage of PV systems with RS485 data communication is that with the SMA Com Gateway, even existing systems can benefit from all options of the modern SMA Speedwire data communication.

Whether it’s a system upgrade or expansion, the SMA Com Gateway allows the use of the SMA Data Manager or the SMA Cluster Controller and thus integration of current and future system monitoring and system control solutions, such as commercial energy management. The PV system’s investment security is therefore guaranteed.


  • Expansion: Expands existing RS485 systems without expensive rewiring. Allows the use of the SMA Data Manager or the SMA Cluster Controller.
  • Upgrade: Realises modern system monitoring and control solutions, e.g. commercial energy management.
  • Success: Enables direct marketing of PV power. Allows the use of the latest grid management functions thanks to the SMA Data Manager and the SMA Cluster Controller.

Additional information

Weight 0.2585 kg

SMA RS485 Module Installation Manual (1.21 MB)


SMA RS485 Module Quick Installation Manual (1.70 MB)


SMA Limited Factory Warranty - 19 07 2022 (73.17 KB

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